Could you describe us your daily routine?

Augusto Pirovano – CriticalCity Upload
Answering tons of emails, some bureaucracy, flash meetings with my colleagues, planning and ping-pong

Matteo Uguzzoni – CriticalCity Upload
Answering to emails, work work, having a cup of tea, win a ping-pong game. (this is the ideal day, usually we don’t play ping-pong).

Andrea Valle – Macchina Logotelica
I can’t cause I’ve different days depending on projects and activities. Sometimes I write all day long (I would like to read all day, but it’s hard), other days I’m in university, other still I use the soldering iron.

Demian Conrad – Fanatic Collaborative Magazine
A nice walking to the atelier, checking incoming communication, discussing plans with my collaborators, developing ideas and graphics, everything done with some breaks and lots of coffees.

Natascia Fenoglio – Mandala Chicle
I don’t have a daily routine, usually I divide my time between the bakery lab and home. I like to work on the floor when I have to build and in bed when I have to think or drawing.

Dominic Wilcox – Between your thoughts and mine
I don’t have a regular work routine, I work late nights always thinking about projects..

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