Our conversation with Augusto, Matteo, Andrea, Demian, Natascia and Dominic goes on. This time we’ve asked them:

Can you tell us an example (also a non design one) of “collaboration” which you find particularly nice or significant?

Augusto Pirovano – CriticalCity Upload
One of the many projects realized by from the idea of one person and the desire of many we can realize (almost) everything, without waiting a top-down contract.

Matteo Uguzzoni – CriticalCity Upload
The OccupyNewspaper, it was nice the way they produced it and a very good product.

Andrea Valle – Macchina Logotelica
I would like to cite two which i really like.
The first is the concpet of “authorial proxy” in Alighiero and Boetti.In many of his works Boetti mount complex mechanisms which require a many subjects collaboration. Without these people, the work doesn’t exist.
For example, the 50 kilim drawings which from the widest cido of the series “Altemando da uno a cento e viceversa”, are realized following Boetti rules system by groups of students or friends and collaborators of Boetti.
Boetti is thus keeping a precise authorial identity but at the same time he needs other subjects. Their histories, competences, idiosyncrasies – and often also their mistakes and inaccuracies – are included in the art work.

The secondi is the concept of “feedback system” – usually used in electronic music – where the output of a system comes back in as input of the system itself.
In particular, when the output of a system comes back in as input of another component. From this we get technical non-linear and chaotic dynamics, which activate real form of emerging communication between system components (being physical objects, software modules, human performers) which become a freely hierarchical society (the famous Neolithic band without head).

Demian Conrad – Fanatic Collaborative Magazine
A brilliant example of collaborative design is the family tradition of making cookies for Christmas. All family is there to plan and produce. Daddy thinks the kirsch version, grandma makes the soft one which she can bite, the grandson wants a big one and mum is taking care of the cooking in the oven. It’s a micro fordist line full of joy and powdered sugar.

Natascia Fenoglio – Mandala Chicle
Collaboration is fundamental and is part of my work. To me is absolutely necessary to enstablish relations with whom can, through my knowledge, give me important tools to develop, at least in some parts, my project.

Dominic Wilcox – Between your thoughts and mine
The singing duet is a good example of how two voices can come together to create a third thing. The most interesting collaborations are between people with completely different ways of working/singing/making..

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